by Kate Bernheimer
This story is exclusively available in the anthology, Winesburg, Indiana, published by Breakaway Books, an imprint of Indiana University Press, in the spring of 2015. Available wherever fine books are sold, borrowed, or thrown at noisy children.
Kate Bernheimer is the author of three novels, The Complete Tales of Ketzia Gold (2001), The Complete Tales of Merry Gold (2006) and The Complete Tales of Lucy Gold (forthcoming 2011), all with FC2. Her first short story collection, Horse, Flower, Bird, is forthcoming (Coffee House 2010). She has edited three fairy-tale anthologies, including My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales (forthcoming Penguin Books 2010), and founded and edits the journal Fairy Tale Review (University of Nebraska Press). She is Associate Professor and Writer-in-Residence at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, where she teaches each spring. She is also the author of children's books, including The Girl in The Castle Inside The Museum (Random House), a Publishers Weekly "Best Book of 2008." She lives in Tucson, Arizona.