Booth publishes four titles of original literature on the first Friday of every month.

In addition, we publish two print issues yearly, usually in summer and winter.

Booth debuted in 2009. Our staff is comprised of students, faculty, and alumni from the Butler University MFA program.

Butler MFA students and alumni execute approximately 98% of Booth. Copy editing, web design, print issues, t-shirts and merch, and so on. We have incredible talent in our program and put it to work at Booth.

We typically see around 500-600 submissions per month, or close to 20 per day. Of these we accept around 50 titles per year, or approximately 1%.

At least 95% of the material we publish comes from blind submissions.

We do not refer to submissions as “slush.”

We target a submission turnaround time of sixty days, though we do not always deliver on this.

All acceptances appear on our website. We curate from these works to create print issues and do not promise print issue publication.

We invite submissions September 1 through November 30, 2024, and again January 1 through April 16, 2025.

You can find more about our submissions guidelines and policies here: submit to Booth.

You can email us at booth@butler.edu, though any submissions sent to this email will be deleted.

Editor in Chief: Robert Stapleton
Managing Editor: Katie Peterson
Fiction Editor/Social Media Coordinator: Jenny Schuster
Poetry Editor: Heidi Klein
Nonfiction Editor: Shauna Sartoris (Fulbright)
Copy Editor: Brandon Butcher
Web Editor: Demetra Koras
Readers: Aria N. Ahmer, Tyler Babbitt, Amanda Beadlescomb, Rosaleen Crowley, Antonia DelCastillo, Jaden Dennis, Matt Desing, Riley Evertsen, Kaylee Gaddie, Lindsey Henderson, Bethany Lowery, Lenae Marsh, Jeff Marvel, LuAnne McNulty, Noelle Perri, Katie Shimer, John Strauss, Jenny Walton, Marilyn Wolf