FICTION January 18, 2013

Winesburg, Indiana: Mari, Waiting

Claire Vaye Watkins

This story is exclusively available in the anthology, Winesburg, Indiana, published by Breakaway Books, an imprint of Indiana University Press, in the spring of 2015. Available wherever fine books are sold, borrowed, or thrown at noisy children.

Claire Vaye Watkins was born and raised in the Mojave Desert. Her stories have appeared in Granta, One Story, The Paris Review, and elsewhere. Her story collection, Battleborn, won a Silver Pen Award from the Nevada Writers Hall of Fame and inclusion on the National Book Foundation’s “5 Under 35.” An assistant professor at Bucknell University, Claire is also the co-director of the Mojave School, a non-profit creative writing workshop for teenagers in rural Nevada.
Claire Vaye Watkins was born and raised in the Mojave Desert. Her stories have appeared in Granta, One Story, The Paris Review, and elsewhere. Her story collection, Battleborn, won a Silver Pen Award from the Nevada Writers Hall of Fame and inclusion on the National Book Foundation’s “5 Under 35.” An assistant professor at Bucknell University, Claire is also the co-director of the Mojave School, a non-profit creative writing workshop for teenagers in rural Nevada.