by Joe Sacksteder
- Dour boy finds mermaid
- American Pie for hifalutin man
- Depression as black ferret
- Cowardly foursome
- Permanent dark, dad gone
- Girl swallows moon
- 9/11 dick
- Biodegradable coffins and black market antlers
- Narrator as scheming bureaucracy
- There’s nothing less blue-collar than blue-collar fiction
- Crush on Isaac Newton
- Lost in woods remembering dead husband
- North Country but in the South
- Hundred Dollar Baby
- Fuck San Diego
- Girl swallows moon
- No sex
- Depressed man cultivates storms
- Pets getting hit by cars
- Pig iron trauma
- Head dial that helps guy tune his emotions
- List of women loved
- Sister pops bubble boy brother’s bubble
- Letter to dad’s soap opera actress mistress
- Sex with ex while fantasizing about stewardess
- Watching pregnant women explode
- Baseball
- Insane woman pretends to give birth to rabbits
- Engages with theory, Derrida
- Frontier people happy town burned down
- “We were spared”
- Girl swallows moon
- Can’t pay dealer
Joe Sacksteder's debut collection is forthcoming from Sarabande Books in 2019, and his album of Werner Herzog audio collages, Fugitive Traces, is available from Punctum Books. He's a PhD candidate at the University of Utah, where he's managing editor Quarterly West. Recent publications include Denver Quarterly, Florida Review, Hobart, and Booth X.