imagine the universe where I failed. Your apocryphal girl
buzzing toward black yonder. There I am,
alphabetizing gone opportunities. Other-me
in the passing driver’s window, transparent.
Uncaring. If doppelgängers exist, let me be
the amphibious one. A creature crosshatched
between drought and bedroom. The cerebral sea
aglow with heat. Another-me tempting myth
or mister. I live a stumbling odyssey of consequences
disembodied. This dark voyage
without a chorus.
POETRY February 3, 2023
After Passing the Standardized Field Sobriety Test, I
Hannah Cohen is the author of two poetry chapbooks from Glass Poetry Press: Year of the Scapegoat (2022) and Bad Anatomy (2018). Hannah co-edits the online literary journal Cotton Xenomorph. Recent and forthcoming publications include Michigan Quarterly Review, Hey Alma, Pidgeonholes, The Offing, and others. She was a 2018 Best of the Net finalist and a Pushcart Prize nominee.