FICTION May 18, 2012

Winesburg, Indiana: The Historian

Steve Tomasula

This story is exclusively available in the anthology, Winesburg, Indiana, published by Breakaway Books, an imprint of Indiana University Press, in the spring of 2015. Available wherever fine books are sold, borrowed, or thrown at noisy children.

Steve Tomasula is author of the novels VAS: An Opera in Flatland (University of Chicago Press); The Book of Portraiture (University of Alabama Press/FC2); IN & OZ; and TOC: A New-Media Novel (University of Alabama Press/FC2). His short fiction has appeared widely in magazines like Bomb, McSweeneys, The Iowa Review, Denver Quarterly, and The Western Humanities Review. He lives in Chicago and can be found at
Steve Tomasula is author of the novels VAS: An Opera in Flatland (University of Chicago Press); The Book of Portraiture (University of Alabama Press/FC2); IN & OZ; and TOC: A New-Media Novel (University of Alabama Press/FC2). His short fiction has appeared widely in magazines like Bomb, McSweeneys, The Iowa Review, Denver Quarterly, and The Western Humanities Review. He lives in Chicago and can be found at