FICTION Jared Sayet Fall Lines Kyle Rea The Roller Skater Angela Townsend Goodwill on Earth Sarah Harris Wallman The Part That Sticks Out John McNally A Descent into the Maelström Julian Iralu Fishhook Melody Sinclair Day One Ryan Habermeyer Five Necronauts Jeff McLaughlin Luck Ethel Rohan How Not to Love Them Kristin Walrod Home Run Paul Riker Phantasmal Ric Flair MaxieJane Frazier STOP Shreya Fadia In Fertile Ground Adam Peterson STUMBLEDOWN Erin Striff Fire Family Tom Howard Metamorphosis Donna Vorreyer The Evolution of Escape Rachel Salguero Kowalsky The Delivery Boy Sam Fouts Nude Adrián Pérez The Sinkhole Max Kruger-Dull And Tim Raymond Frog Carolyn Keller The Flying Men of Cuetzalan Courtney Craggett The Girl Goes Missing Claire Stanford Afternoon at the Wig Shop Mialise Carney The Rage Room Benjamin Niespodziany My Mother Coming Apart Justin Noga Auntie Andrew Cusick Letter To The Next Closed Casket Dan Reiter While We Can Mary Kate McGrath All or None Mordecai Martin An Explosion of Chekhov’s Anguish Joe Meno The Color, the Sound Kaushika Suresh REPLAY 3000 Hema Nataraju A Dosa is Like a Labyrinth Tucker Leighty-Phillips The Rumpelstiltskin Understudies (play) Sherrie Flick Breaking Samuel Clark Trek Cole Chamberlain Glowworms Jake Bartman Big Guy Winesburg, Indiana Jacques Derrida Writes Postcards to Himself from a Diner in Winesburg, Indiana Natalie Rowland Two Women Share a Pulse Miranda Williams A List of Extinctions Christopher Lowe The Other Dog Allison Kade Sunny Dana Berube Gifted Kid Corey Miller Miss Texas Considers Talking about Her Tooth Emily Lawson Hosting Timothy Day You Are Enough Kenneth A. Fleming The Character Profile of Rita-Mae Watkins Ruyi Wen The Currency of Secrets Kate Felix Ride the Reaper Mike McClelland Wild Gods Kyle Minor and James Yoder Soldier: An Excerpt Sherrel McLafferty In the Time of Virus Exodus Brownlow Mr. Frogman Adam Byko The Bone Obelisk, Reviewed Nicole Simonsen Cuca’s Boy Tara Zambrano Lean on, Mother Leonora Desar Campgate Kara Oakleaf Rumors of Ice Christopher Allen Fate Will Unwind Kim Magowan Home Economics John McNally The Next Morning Daniel Sutter Hounds Run Andrea Marcusa This is How to Say Goodbye to Your Daughter Christopher Coake Waste Theodora Bishop The Wooden Headdress L.M. Davenport Instars Valerie Laken Little Things J. A. Tyler Into the Hills Redfern Jon Barrett Bricklets Julia Coursey On the Bodily Resurrection of the Dead Joshua Shaw Crash Test Zombie Kathryn McMahon No One Worships What They FindUnder Their Fingernails Samantha Atkins Birth Plan Sara Henry Zombies Michael Czyzniejewski The Legends of Żorro Maya Jewell Zeller A Few Nondescript Adventuresof Some Consequence Tom Weller Noah Filkins Is an Amazing Lover Jessica Walker Altar Call at Possum Trot Kelcey Parker Ervick There Once Was a Man Cady Vishniac Vacation, Thirty-Three Deanie Vallone We Don’t Live by the Sea Anymore Courtney Craggett Donation Andrew Gretes Language in Trenches Nathan Willis The Biggest Part of the Ocean Kirsty Logan Dear Nobody Justine Chan My name is Kit Tucker and I exist in sound Tara Campbell Aftermilk Katie Young Foster Rehearsed Zach VandeZande Who We Used to Be T.J. Murray Two Funerals Allison Wyss The Giant’s Needle Kaitlyn Andrews-Rice Whale Watch Chaperone Application 17.B Erin Kate Ryan A Girl Is (Not) a Pirate Ship Matt Perez Haverford & Kline Mining Co., LLC Dave Housley The Fires Dave Rothbart The Combination Cathy Ulrich Cliffs of Tojinbo Jon Vanzant Stevens K.I.A. Jason Jordan Do Evil That Good May Come Georgia Jackson Peaches Gen Del Raye What Little Water Was Left Joe Sacksteder The Vitriolic Megaphone Zachary Tyler Vickers Braille Lessons for Very Tall Children Joshua Shaw Finish Him! Matthew Baker The President’s Doubles Eric Cipriani And The Lives Carried On Screaming Sarah Layden 13 Things Your Mail Carrier Won’t Tell You Blake Kimzey Steve Harvey & Carlos II Woody Skinner Preferred Signals, 1985 Michael Credico Heartland Wilds Aubrey Hirsch Afterbirth Joe Meno Everything Strange and Unknown Nick Seifert Another Night of Recycling Cans Dana Diehl Swarm Liz Breazeale Extinction Events Proposed by My Father Ryan Bollenbach Household Incidence Tom Howard Xiomara Richard Bertram Peterson Of Goats and Men Joel Hans Once There Was an Upside-Down Girl Richard Scott Larson The Night of the Comet Rachel Jamison Webster What No One Mentions Ravi Mangla Greenly, Everett and Marion, 1878-1903 Craig Bernardini The Death of the Pianist Joe Lucido The Defective Conversationalist James Brubaker Why We Built a Teleportation Machine and Why It Was a Bad Idea: Marcus Landers’ Oral History about the Invention of the World’s First Matter Transference Device LaTanya McQueen The Balloonist Dreams of Flight Robert Long Foreman Vonwürdig Jason DeYoung Caulifloret Lucas Church Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Claire Miye Stanford At Night in the Wig Shop Matt Bell The Architect’s Gambit Randal O'Wain Shadow Play Dan Mancilla Everybody’s Mrs. Fahrenheit Cynthia Reeves In the Deep Wood Jacob Grana Gianboy59 Falls In Love With MysteryWhispery Catherine Carberry Prospect Summer C.M. Barnes (no subject) Justin Carter The Love Song of Dale Earnhardt1 Sarah Mollie Silberman Armor John McManus The Cultivationists Katie Cortese The Strong Woman, After Failing Her Massage Therapy Practical Exam Alex McElroy Two Lives Saved Ian Golding In the Essence of the Gourd Jennifer Caloyeras Plush Jennifer A. Howard The Lesser Coverts of Game Birds Ryan Shoemaker A Letter to Daniel Larusso, the Karate Kid Randa Jarrar How Can I Be of Use to You? Doug Ramspeck The Second Coming Ann Stewart McBee Sewing Kit Jacob M. Appel Some Helpful Background for the Incoming Tenant Annie Bilancini Little Miss Bird-in-Hand Molly Jean Bennett God of the Cheese Wheel Lenore Myka Real Family Michael Martone Winesburg, Indiana: Found in The Placebo Matthew Baker Tête-à-tête Jenni Moody Libration Caitlin McGuire Going Native David Ryan State Forests Michael Martone Winesburg, Indiana: The Cantor Quadruplets Summer Pierre Telephone Steve Romagnoli Crosstown Clown Sam Martone Winesburg, Indiana: Randy Steeple Teresa Milbrodt Three Larissa Stories Porter Shreve Winesburg, Indiana: “Manchild” Morrison, The Best That Almost Was Liz N. Clift The Breaking-Up Game Claire Vaye Watkins Winesburg, Indiana: Mari, Waiting Kevin Wilson The Simplest Wedding Kevin Catalano Henderson Lovely, Last of the Munchkins Sherrie Flick Winesburg, Indiana: Emmalene’s Bakery and Bait Shop Michael Martone Winesburg, Indiana: Inspector 4 Matt Rowan Rivals William Jablonsky The Miracle Andrew Hudgins Winesburg, Indiana: Raymond Snow Mike Meginnis Exemplary! John McNally Lord of the Ralphs Lee Martin Winesburg, Indiana: Miss Gladys Joe Sacksteder Nepenthe Shannon Cain Winesburg, Indiana: Occupy Winesburg Roxane Gay Winesburg, Indiana: Tara Jenkins Kelcey Parker Limberlost Erin McGraw Winesburg, Indiana: Deanne Stovers Matthew Batt China Steve Tomasula Winesburg, Indiana: The Historian Matthew Baker An Outing After Supper J. A. Tyler Hallucinations Brought on by Inclement Weather Ethel Rohan Dark Stars Edward Porter Winesburg, Indiana: Howard Garfield, Balladeer Alexander Lumans Phys. Ed. 112 Syllabus: You and Your Apocalypse Alissa Nutting Daniel Charles Booth Medjugorje Stace Budzko Wild Kingdom Robert Kulesz The Humiliation of Beasts Michael Martone Winesburg, Indiana: Constance H. Wootin Sean Lovelace Winesburg, Indiana: The Processed Cheese Product Man Emily Doak Wasn’t it a Party? Todd Wright Fuck Raymond Carver Pages: 1 2 3